
People of the Gulf, Beware!

23 July 2024
People of the Gulf, Beware! ©Shutterstock


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Added 03:58 September 30 2024
Dear Khalaf, I hope you & your family are well. I met you on my way back from the UK to Oz in 2001 when I was 21, we shared a meal with your friends & then you sent some roses & a book to 19 Munro Avenue, Mt Waverley, Melbourne, Australia (my parent’s former house). I thought of you as the tensions escalate in your region. Have you or your family thought about applying for dual citizenship in Australia? It is one of the safest places in the world - I believe - with land, low population & far away from any wars or conflict. As global population & climate stress increase on earth, Australia’s average temperature is decreasing & we are experiencing more rain as global temperatures rise. I am but a humble school teacher with children of my own now. I hope you are looking after your health & not working too hard. Best wishes Clare
Clare King , AUSTRALIA